Reach Two Inc. is an outreach ministry that shows hospitality to the community in order to bridge the gap between the city representatives and the underserved population. By meeting each person where they are, ReachTwo is able to build a connection between the people at every walk of life. Families are able to get needed mentoring, knowledge, and awareness that helps them to avoid pitfalls that are common to those who are in poverty-stricken environments.​

In order to accomplish this mission, ReachTwo Inc. provides catering to large gatherings of people to gain the ear of the people. Therefore, Mr. Aaron Winston Jr. has reached out to the City Council, Joyce Evans, the Lowndes County Commissioner, the accountability court and the juvenile court, the fire department and the police department. Also, the organization speaks to the young people at the high schools, the Boys and Girls club, housing authorities, and local events.

Mr. Winston is a licensed minister who cares passionately for the youth of the community. He shares his testimony and encourages youth to stay out of the streets and remain focused on their goals by gaining their ear while they are in school and at their after-school programs. ReachTwo believes that it takes a village to raise a child, and preventing our youth from failure while nurturing them for success must be done from a holistic standpoint. Therefore, families of those in need are also assisted through these programs.

How R.E.A.C.H. TWO is reaching the Youth of our Community

ReachTwo Programs

​Here are some of the programs ReachTwo provides the community.​

Feeding the Football Teams

ReachTWO arranges breakfast and dinner events for the local football teams, where Mr. Aaron Winston Jr. speaks to the teams and coaches encouraging them to remain positive and not to get distracted by the streets. In 2020-2021, there were 5 events at Lowndes and 3 at Valdosta High School. Each event reaches 250 children and their coaches and staff. ​

Boys and Girls Club

ReachTWO goes to visit the Boys and Girls Club to speak to the youth about bullying and how to avoid it and report it. We team up with a father and daughter rap duo for positive entertainment and caters food to the youth.

​Honoring the Elderly

ReachTWO serves dinners to the elderly community downtown to show honor to them.

​Feeding the Homeless

ReachTWO does a twice monthly dinner delivery to the homeless community of Valdosta via a partnership with Second Harvest.​

Street Evangelism

Mr. Winston takes to the streets regularly to share the good news with people who would not likely be found in more organized settings. Young people who are involved in gang-related activity are encouraged to make better choices with their lives and are pointed in the right direction.

Personal Counseling in Homes

ReachTwo provides personal counseling with licensed counselors as needs arise. Licensed counselors - Pastor Loveday.​

Outreach Assistance

In 2020-2021, ReachTwo has donated more than $5,000 toward helping over 50 individual families in the community representing over 150 youth touched by the help through monetary gifts, furniture, clothes, and groceries.

Porch Talk

Mr. Aaron Winston Jr. does a "Porch Talk" stream every morning to encourage viewers teaching about self awareness and love for others, encouragement, and not giving up.


ReachTWO mentors youth from underprivileged communities in work ethic by training them in entrepreneurship via the owned AB&C Mobile detailing LLC and Cynthia and Aaron's catering. Students are taught skills such as cooking, serving customers and food, detailing vehicles, the mindset of ownership, and working with different types of people along the supply chain.​

Dinners with Public Service Organizations

ReachTWO does awareness events at the local police station, fire station, and other public service organizations to speak to these representatives about the gaps in the community and how they are able to be a light to the youth. These representatives are invited to be a part of upcoming youth outreach events and to share their insights about how to avoid gang involvement, bullying, sex trafficking, and other dangers that they see happening in the world around them.